Hyesun wants a bridal photo! Yes, she got married back in August, but she never found time for a bridal session. Now, almost 6 months later, we plan to head for Furman University to photographer her with Furman's Lake as the backdrop. It is a bright beautiful day. On the way to Furman, I saw a cute little pond. I asked Hyesun if she would mind stopping here first. I knocked on the owners door and asked permission to do a mini shoot in their front yard. Then I got these images:

After the pond shoot, we resumed our trip to Furman. When we arrived, we were shocked to find the lake had been drained for repairs!!! With the sun setting, I set up for a silhouette shot against the shiny mud where water was supposed to be. Here is what we got:

Hyesun loved it! It is now on her wall with a short story to accompany it...
Imagine the shot I could have gotten with actual water in the lake!